Leveraging group buying power
to increase member's profits


About Roofing GPS

Roofing Group Purchasing Services (Roofing GPS) is a Group Purchasing Organization, known as a GPO, that specializes in the roofing industry. GPOs work by pooling their members' buying power to get their members the best deals only reserved for very large companies.

Supplies and services take up the bulk cost of your projects. Even though you may already be getting a contractor discount, you can now access an even greater discount on the same supplies and services that you are already purchasing which would mean more money in your pocket.

Getting that preferred discount couldn't be easier. Because of our database of members and their large combined purchasing power, Roofing GPS is able to negotiate with suppliers to get you access to preferred pricing that you wouldn’t be able to get on your own. Suppliers love us because we send them our members, which means more business for them. Our members love us because we save them money each and every day.

If you want to start saving more money on the supplies and services that you currently use, reach out to us, and let’s talk. Fill out the form below with your details and a member of our team will get in touch with you.


We realize that being in the roofing business is more than just installing product on a roof. There is so much that a roofing business needs in terms of services from vendors. Our goal is to help our members in every aspect of their business.

Services that we can help save members money on include:

  • Supplies for Jobs
  • Equipment
  • Disposal & Bin Rental Services
  • Business & Auto Insurance
  • Software Services
  • Aerial Measurements
  • Legal Services
  • Accounting, Tax, & Bookkeeping Services


We realize that being in the roofing business is more than just installing product on a roof. There is so much that a roofing business needs in terms of services from vendors. Our goal is to help our members in every aspect of their business.

Services that we can help save members money on include:

  • Supplies for Jobs
  • Equipment
  • Disposal & Bin Rental Services
  • Business & Auto Insurance
  • Software Services
  • Aerial Measurements
  • Legal Services
  • Accounting, Tax, & Bookkeeping Services

Why Choose Roofing GPS

While there are many benefits to why our members chose to join Roofing GPS, there are 4 main benefits that we want to highlight.

Benefit #1

Save Money

We save our members money on the supplies and services that they use every day. Members rely on Roofing GPS to approach vendors in the roofing industry and through the use of negotiation to leverage buying power of all of its members to help get the best prices on goods and services which can’t be obtained independently. Members give us their supplier list and pricing, and we go to work to save them money.

Benefit #2

Save Time

Once Roofing GPS has member-only pricing set up between you and the suppliers and vendors, it saves you time so you won’t have to negotiate ongoing discounted pricing. This saves you and your team time and energy as you won’t have to constantly be shopping for better prices or wondering if you are getting a good deal. This way, you can spend time on what makes you the most money!

Benefit #3

Be More Competitive

Do you ever wonder how some larger roofing companies can offer such low estimates to their potential customers? It’s not that their profits are razor thin. It’s because their pricing on their supplies and services are so much cheaper that they can price jobs for less while making more money than the little guy. Roofing GPS levels the playing field so you can get more jobs with fewer estimates and still make more money. Who knows, you may even become the big roofing company if that’s something you desire!

Benefit #4

Risk Free

We so believe in our passion, drive, and ability to save our members money, we provide a risk-free approach to our program. Our members typically save multiple times the cost of their membership. But to help ensure our members success, we guarantee that if you do not save the cost of your membership, we will refund your membership cost 100%* and you get to keep the savings that you incurred! With a simple approach like this, you cannot lose.

*Inquire for more details on our refund policy.

Contact Us

If you want to start saving more money on the supplies and services that you currently use, reach out to us, and let’s talk. Fill out the form with your details, email us, or phone us, and a member of our team will get in touch with you.